Saturday, May 29, 2010

one-year ban and halved his Rs 2 million fine:Shoaib Malik

Shoaib Malik's one-year ban and halved his Rs 2 million fine. "The board's legal advisor has reported to me that after monitoring Malik in the last three months they feel he has improved his behavior and attitude," Irfan Qadir, the arbitrator, said. "I have decided to uphold his appeal and lift the ban as the purpose of disciplinary action against players was to make them rethink about their careers."Malik said, the purpose behind his appeal was to "clear this stigma" against his name.
"I am very happy that with the blessings of Allah my stand has been vindicated and all the baseless charges and allegations have been quashed," Malik, 28, said in a statement. "It's a sort of new life for me and I am very happy."

The charge against Malik was never clearly explained by the inquiry committee that decided on the punishment but it was widely thought to be for what a number of management officials and players called his negative influence on the side. This was confirmed in a subsequently leaked video of the inquiry committee meetings, in which Malik's role within the squad was blasted by a number of players including Shahid Afridi and Mohammad Yousuf.

Butt said,"I have instructed the team manager and other officials including the captain that any act of indiscipline, any such problem, and they have my full backing in immediately sending a player back". "They need not even refer the case to me, they can send the player back immediately as they will have full authority to do so."

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